Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC)
The Opportunity:
In 2020, the CMBTC had to cancel its Western Canadian crop tour for its international members, some of the biggest malting barley purchasers in the world. This tour is critical for promoting Canadian malting barley to our major export market representatives, to keep them apprised of our crop season progress (by letting them see, feel, smell our crops), and to maintain connections with them.
How we helped:
Because travel and in-person events were out of the question, we helped the CMBTC come up with a variety of digital ways to keep in regular touch with its international members and still deliver the valuable information they were looking for, with an “in-person” and intimate touch.
The Results:
Crop Tour Videos:
We filmed the 2020 Canadian barley growing season from start to finish and then put together the results in a short video that aimed to inform buyers about the season and crop outcomes, as well as show them as much of the process as possible and talk to farmers.
We created a landing page for the CMBTC featuring up-to-date information on the Western Canadian barley harvest and crop quality for 2020 (in multiple languages). New photos, videos, crop reports and updates were added on an ongoing basis.

Crop Reports:
we sent out regular crop report updates to CMBTC members throughout the growing season, to keep them posted on growing conditions, weather and harvest progress.